Maybe I do not get the point in your question accurately... But the object thrown is a GFException, and the referenced line RKTrackRep.cxx:1215 reads
GFException exc(sstream.str(),__LINE__,__FILE__);
throw exc;
It is a bit unclear to me what you mean with "outside of GenFit". I am still working with CINT linked against Genfit... so it is not really "outside", but maybe I am misled here.
I cannot see how this could be a default/empty/... exception. As far as I can see some thing bewildering happens with the thrown exception. And by the way: I could reproduce the same weird behaviour in a "neatly compiled" class, where I wrapped up the ->processTrack like so:
bool GFExecution::cwProcessTrack(GFAbsFitter* aFitter, GFTrack* aTrack){
fStatus = true;
std::cout << "GFExecution::cwProcessTrack... Status is " << fStatus << std::endl;
}catch(const GFException& e){
fStatus = false;
std::cout << "[WARN ] Exception in track procession -- ProcessTrack set to false" << std::endl;
std::cerr << e.what() << std::endl;
std::cout << " return status is " << fStatus << std::endl;
return fStatus;
but again, in case an exception is thrown, the exception's content appears on the cli, whilst the catch block itself seems to be not executed, it looks like so:
GFExecution::cwProcessTrack... Status is 1
GFException thrown with excString:
RKTrackRep::RKutta ==> momentum too low: 3.53823 MeV
in line: 1215 in file: /home/bielefeldt/g2fopiroot/GenfitTools/trackrep/RKTrackRep/RKTrackRep.cxx
with fatal flag 0
return status is 1
Most likely, I am doing some thing very incorrect in the way I implement exception handling, but I just cannot find my flaw.