Hello Anna,
This is quite straightforward and nothing special. You need to crreate a composite candidate with your part of the charged (!) final state particles. Then feed it to the fitter or POCA calculator, just as you "always do".
theAnalysis->FillList(muplus, "MuonAllPlus");
theAnalysis->FillList(muminus, "MuonAllMinus");
// *** combinatorics for J/psi -> mu+ mu-
jpsi.Combine(muplus, muminus);
// ***
// *** do VERTEX FIT (J/psi)
// ***
for (j=0;j<jpsi.GetLength();++j)
PndKinVtxFitter vtxfitter(jpsi[j]); // instantiate a vertex fitter
if( ! vtxfitter.Fit(); ) continue;
double chi2_vtx = vtxfitter.GetChi2(); // access chi2 of fit
double prob_vtx = vtxfitter.GetProb(); // access probability of fit
RhoCandidate *jfit = jpsi[j]->GetFit(); // access the fitted cand
TVector3 jVtx=jfit->Pos(); // and the decay vertex position