Hello all,
last night I had an idea how to work around the problem I encountered with the compilation of the external packages apr13 with Kubuntu 14.04 and this morning I tried it. The workaround seems to have worked.
In case anybody else would like to upgrade to *buntu 14.04 here is what you can do in order to compile the external packages apr13:
cd /usr/include/freetype2
sudo ln -s . freetype
Now root should be able to find the freetype.h header.
The rest of the compilation worked without any problems.
I believe that alternatively, one could also change the scripts
(I'm not sure which one is being used, both scripts are identical, so I would just change both)
and add
to the lines
./configure $arch --enable-soversion $XROOTD $ROOFIT \
--enable-minuit2 --enable-gdml --enable-xml \
--enable-builtin-ftgl --enable-builtin-glew \
--with-pythia6-libdir=$pythia6_libdir \
--with-pythia8-libdir=$pythia8_libdir \
--with-pythia8-incdir=$pythia8_incdir \
--enable-mysql --enable-pgsql\
--disable-globus \
--disable-reflex \
--disable-cintex \
--with-monalisa-libdir=$monalisa_dir/lib \
--with-monalisa-incdir=$monalisa_dir/include \
--with-gsl-incdir=$gsl_dir/include \
--with-gsl-libdir=$gsl_dir/lib \
--with-f77=$FC $prefix_string \
$etc_string $debugstring
However, I would recommend the first workaround. I did not try the second option.
Kind regards,
[Updated on: Tue, 22 April 2014 11:20]
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