I have just tried with the latest trunk w/o any problem.
Could you please check in the log that you have the following text:
<I> PndEvtGenDirect
<I> Particle: pbarpSystem
<I> decfile: /home/spataro/sep12/pandaroot/macro/run/ronald.dec
<I> pbar-Momentum: 10
<I> Rnd Seed: -1
<I> Rnd Seed changed to 3319
EvtGen:Initializing EvtGen
EvtGen:Storing known decay models
Will register EvtPythia
EvtGen:Main decay file name :/home/spataro/sep12/pandaroot/pgenerators/EvtGen/DECAY.DEC
EvtGen:PDT table file name :/home/spataro/sep12/pandaroot/pgenerators/EvtGen/evt.pdl
EvtGen:Initializing RadCorr=PHOTOS
EvtGen:No RadCorr engine given in EvtGen::EvtGen constructor, will use default EvtPHOTOS.
EvtGen:In readDecayFile, reading:/home/spataro/sep12/pandaroot/pgenerators/EvtGen/DECAY.DEC
EvtGen:As requested, PHOTOS will be turned on.
EvtGen:In readDecayFile, reading:/home/spataro/sep12/pandaroot/macro/run/ronald.dec
EvtGen:As requested, PHOTOS will be turned off.
EvtGen:Given allowed decays, resetting minMass pbarpSystem 1.48 to 3.37581
EvtGen:Reading /home/spataro/sep12/pandaroot/macro/run/ronald.dec to override decay table.
############# Generating with following conditions:
incident 4-mom : (10.9822, 0, 0, 10), m = 4.53966
and copy it here?