Well, I mean that if I just compile pandaroot it works without problem.
But I have one macro for the luminosity detector, which I compile in CMakeLists with:
target_link_libraries(rec_mc_match ${ROOT_LIBRARIES} TrkBase Fts Stt RecoHits Minuit GeoBase Geane Geom Proof FairTools PndData VMC EG GeomPainter generalTools Base FairDB ParBase LmdTrk genfit genfitAdapters trackrep)
And then it's complain about functions in classes which I posted before.
I checked those function there are in headers, but there aren't implemented in source file. For example PndFtsMapCreator::GetTubeFromTubeIDGeoType1(int)
In the root/pandaroot/trunk/fts/PndFtsMapCreator.h
there is the line
PndFtsTube * GetTubeFromTubeIDGeoType1(Int_t tubeid);
but in PndFtsMapCreator.cxx there is nothing about this function.
From my point it's missing. Or am I misunderstand something?
[Updated on: Wed, 17 October 2012 15:11]
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