spataro@briareos:~/jan12/pandaroot/macro/global$ root -l -q 'tracks_BARREL_1000.C("proof",10);'
root [0]
Processing tracks_BARREL_1000.C("proof",10);...
Info in (PndGeoHandling::Instance): Making a new instance using the framework.
Info in <PndSdsHybridHitProducer::PndSdsHybridHitProducer>: MVD Hybrid Hit Producer created, Parameters will be taken from RTDB
[INFO ] The input consists out of the following trees and files:
[INFO ] - cbmsim
[INFO ] - /home/spataro/jan12/pandaroot/macro/global/points_22Part_n1000_f0.root
[INFO ] -
file:///home/spataro/jan12/pandaroot/macro/global/points_22Part_n1000_f1 .root
[INFO ] -
file:///home/spataro/jan12/pandaroot/macro/global/points_22Part_n1000_f2 .root
[INFO ] -
file:///home/spataro/jan12/pandaroot/macro/global/points_22Part_n1000_f3 .root
[INFO ] -
file:///home/spataro/jan12/pandaroot/macro/global/points_22Part_n1000_f4 .root
[INFO ] -
file:///home/spataro/jan12/pandaroot/macro/global/points_22Part_n1000_f5 .root
[INFO ] -
file:///home/spataro/jan12/pandaroot/macro/global/points_22Part_n1000_f6 .root
[INFO ] -
file:///home/spataro/jan12/pandaroot/macro/global/points_22Part_n1000_f7 .root
[INFO ] -
file:///home/spataro/jan12/pandaroot/macro/global/points_22Part_n1000_f8 .root
[INFO ] -
file:///home/spataro/jan12/pandaroot/macro/global/points_22Part_n1000_f9 .root
FairRunAna::RunOnProof(0,10000): running FairAnaSelector on proof server: "" with PAR file name = "$VMCWORKDIR/gconfig/libFairRoot.par".
+++++++ T P R O O F +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
creating TProof* proof = TProof::Open("");
+++ Starting PROOF-Lite with 8 workers +++
Opening connections to workers: OK (8 workers)
Setting up worker servers: OK (8 workers)
PROOF set to parallel mode (8 workers)
+++++++ C R E A T E D +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
0309: ClearPackages
0309: UploadPackages
0309: EnablePackages
EXECUTING libFairRoot.par/SETUP.C without includes
Function SETUP_c7827247() busy. loaded after "/home/spataro/jan12/pandaroot/gconfig/rootlogon.C"
Error: G__unloadfile() Can not unload "/home/spataro/jan12/pandaroot/gconfig/rootlogon.C", file busy /tmp/SETUP_c7827247.C:20:
Note: File "/home/spataro/jan12/pandaroot/gconfig/rootlogon.C" already loaded
*** Interpreter error recovered ***
0309: ShowPackages
*** Package cache client:/home/spataro/.proof/packages ***
totale 4
drwxr-x--- 3 spataro spataro 4096 2011-10-31 13:34 libFairRoot
lrwxrwxrwx 1 spataro spataro 53 2012-04-04 17:48 libFairRoot.par -> /home/spataro/jan12/pandaroot/gconfig/libFairRoot.par
0309: Done
FairRunAna::RunOnProof(): The chain seems to have 10000 entries.
FairRunAna::RunOnProof(): There are 10 files in the chain.
FairRunAna::RunOnProof(): Starting inChain->Process("FairAnaSelector","",10000,0)
Warning in <TBufferFile::WriteObjectAny>: since PndGeoHandling has no public constructor
which can be called without argument, objects of this class
can not be read with the current library. You will need to
add a default constructor before attempting to read it.
Error in <TClass::New>: cannot create object of class FairRuntimeDb
Warning in <TClass::TClass>: no dictionary for class pair<double,FairTimeStamp*> is available
Error in <Pair Emulation Building>: const char* is not yet supported in pair emulation
Error in <Pair Emulation Building>: const char* is not yet supported in pair emulation
Error in <Pair Emulation Building>: const char* is not yet supported in pair emulation
Error in <Pair Emulation Building>: const char* is not yet supported in pair emulation
Error in <TClass::BuildRealData>: Cannot find any ShowMembers function for PndSdsCalcStrip!
Warning in <TClass::TClass>: no dictionary for class BinaryFunctor is available
Error in <TStreamerInfo::Build:>: PndSdsPixelClusterTask: BinaryFunctor* has no streamer or dictionary, data member fFunctor will not be saved
Error in <TStreamerInfo::Build:>: PndSdsPixelClusterTask: BinaryFunctor* has no streamer or dictionary, data member fStartFunctor will not be saved
Warning in <TClass::TClass>: no dictionary for class PndSdsPixelBackMapping is available
Error in <TStreamerInfo::Build:>: PndSdsPixelClusterTask: PndSdsPixelBackMapping* has no streamer or dictionary, data member fBackMapping will not be saved
Warning in <TClass::TClass>: no dictionary for class PndSdsFEAmpModelSimple is available
Error in <TStreamerInfo::Build:>: PndSdsFE: PndSdsFEAmpModelSimple* has no streamer or dictionary, data member fFrontEndModel will not be saved
Error in <Pair Emulation Building>: const char* is not yet supported in pair emulation
Error in <Pair Emulation Building>: const char* is not yet supported in pair emulation
Error in <TStreamerInfo::Build:>: PndSdsStripClusterTask: BinaryFunctor* has no streamer or dictionary, data member fFunctor will not be saved
Error in <TClass::New>: cannot create object of class PndSdsChargeWeightingAlgorithms
Warning in <TStreamerSTL::TStreamerSTL>: For vector<TrackBasis> we could not find any information about the type TrackBasis 1 vector
Warning in <TStreamerSTL::TStreamerSTL>: For vector<TrackBasis> we could not find any information about the type TrackBasis 1 vector
Error in <TClass::New>: cannot create object of class PndGeoHandling
Error in <TBufferFile::ReadObject>: could not create object of class PndGeoHandling
Error in <TExMap::Remove>: key 4194304 not found at 291
Warning in <TBufferFile::CheckObject>: reference to object of unavailable class TObject, offset=4194304 pointer will be 0
Error: Symbol #include is not defined in current scope tracks_BARREL_1000.C:117:
Error: Symbol exception is not defined in current scope tracks_BARREL_1000.C:117:
Syntax Error: #include <exception> tracks_BARREL_1000.C:117:
Error: Symbol G__exception is not defined in current scope tracks_BARREL_1000.C:117:
Error: type G__exception not defined FILE:/home/spataro/jan12/pandaroot/macro/global/./tracks_BARREL_1000.C LINE:117
*** Interpreter error recovered ***