I have modified (in svn) the code in tpc/tpcreco and recostasks, so now it is compatible with the branch id.
I order to check the code, I have run Dima analysis with the old code and the new one, and the eta_c histograms are exactly the same.
The followings are the modified files:
M tpc/tpcreco/PndTpcRiemannTrackingTask.cxx
M tpc/tpcreco/PndTpcGEMCorrelatorTask.cxx
M tpc/tpcreco/PndTpcdEdxTask.cxx
M tpc/tpcreco/PndTpcMVDCorrelatorTask.cxx
M recotasks/KalmanTask.cxx
I ahve also modified the DEBUG flag. Now the "debug" couts are called setting the verbose level in the task !=0 ->
To reduce a bit the log messages, even if the ones from low momenta tracks are still many.
Now it should be possible to use the normal MCTrackAssociator and also the mvd de/dx.. but the latter I have to check.
Please let me know if it crashes again.