Dima Melnychuk Messages: 213 Registered: April 2004 Location: National Centre for Nucle...
first-grade participant
From: *fuw.edu.pl
Hi Lia,
yes I used the updated macro to produce the last results, i.e. with
PndSttMvdGemTracking * SttMvdGemTracking = new PndSttMvdGemTracking(0);
So I will try to comment the line
and see how it will affect the efficiency, however it will take some time to run reconstruction on 2000 events (5-6 hours) and I suppose it's better to wait with grid reproduction of the signal with stt till I have the results.
But on the other hand I suppose that STT code on the grid can be updated till the latest version (if other modifications are not expected), since this point will affect only the switch in the macro.