StefanoSpataro Messages: 2736 Registered: June 2005 Location: Torino
first-grade participant
From: *
I have the same crash in my pc, with may11.
The problem comes from line 440 of mvd/MvdTracking/PndMvdRiemannTrackFinder.cxx :
int binTh=int(floor((Theta-minTh)*fCutChi2H->GetYaxis()->GetNbins()/(maxTh-minTh)))+1;
because minTh is "nan".
In particular
maxTh 9.271e-311
minTh nan
minPt 1.141e+243
maxPt 8.907e-315
I have not understood where the fCutChi2H is initialized, and why it has so dummy values.
Can expert fix it in a short time? The analyst for the tracking TDR cannot run the reconstruction at this moment,a nd we do nto have so much time.
Many thanks in advance.