the following code was used some time ago for MVD, before using the geometry handler. Maybe it could be useful in your case, remember that EMC crystals are not TGeoBBox but somehting else (TGeoTrap?)
TVector3 mvdPos;
TGeoNode *mvdNode = (TGeoNode*)gGeoManager->FindNode(mvdHit->GetX(), mvdHit->GetY(), mvdHit->GetZ());
TGeoVolume *mvdVol = (TGeoVolume*)mvdNode->GetVolume();
TGeoBBox* actBox = (TGeoBBox*)(mvdVol->GetShape()); // volume of the MVD strip/pixel
TGeoMatrix* mvdGeoRot = (TGeoMatrix*)mvdNode->GetMatrix();
const Double_t *rotM = mvdGeoRot->GetRotationMatrix();