Hi Stefano,
the problem was once again an exponent too small (10^-39) in erland.F. Please try the fixed routine I attach here (you should put it in geant3/erdecks/ and compile geant3 again).
The crash GEANE related disappears, but I get this new one :
Program received signal SIGFPE, Arithmetic exception.
[Switching to Thread -1208796960 (LWP 656)]
0x03f34745 in PndMvdStripClusterTask::CalcMeanCharge (this=0x9efba60, onecluster=@0xbfef2670,
meanstrip=@0xbfef2518, meanerr=@0xbfef2510, charge=@0xbfef2520)
at /home/lavezzi/test_dev/original/trunk6/mvd/MvdReco/PndMvdStripClusterTask.cxx:485
485 meanstrip = meanstrip/charge;
If you confirm that it is ok I will insert it in the new patch we are preparing which should also fix the missing virtual planes problem (it is not ready yet, I am still working on it with Christian).
Please let me know.