Topic |
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STT signal data available on GRID |
2 |
4714 |
Mon, 20 June 2011 21:32 By: Johan Messchendorp  |
running analysis macros on GRID |
3 |
5787 |
Thu, 16 June 2011 22:43 By: Johan Messchendorp  |
STT reconstruction efficiency in eta_c analysis |
0 |
4490 |
Thu, 16 June 2011 13:46 By: Dima Melnychuk  |
Data production on GRID |
0 |
4542 |
Sun, 05 June 2011 14:12 By: Johan Messchendorp  |
My puzzle with GEANE cov matrix |
1 |
3713 |
Thu, 02 June 2011 12:04 By: Lia Lavezzi  |
Simulation campaign for central tracker TDR |
0 |
4657 |
Mon, 30 May 2011 10:15 By: StefanoSpataro  |
Official code for tracking TDR |
32 |
39244 |
Fri, 20 May 2011 11:58 By: Lia Lavezzi  |
Reconstruction macro crash with may11 release |
0 |
4445 |
Wed, 18 May 2011 21:15 By: Elisa Fioravanti  |
Physics channel analysis for tracking TDR |
1 |
3672 |
Thu, 28 April 2011 12:31 By: StefanoSpataro  |
Timeout for the STT and STT+MVD pattern recognition |
1 |
3652 |
Mon, 18 April 2011 10:49 By: Mohammad Al-Turany  |
Riemann track finder crash. |
8 |
12255 |
Mon, 11 April 2011 18:47 By: Lia Lavezzi  |
energy dose to readout electronics |
0 |
4680 |
Thu, 24 March 2011 10:04 By: Olaf Hartmann  |
TPC dE/dx |
5 |
8195 |
Wed, 09 March 2011 13:53 By: Felix Boehmer  |
Tracking with different particle hypothesis |
1 |
3948 |
Tue, 08 March 2011 17:57 By: Jens Sören Lange  |
Tracking: Kalman Task with STT,(electron hypo) By: M.Babai on Tue, 21 December 2010 |
19 |
26502 |
Fri, 24 December 2010 14:14 By: Alberto Rotondi  |
alternative to LHE tracking |
8 |
12047 |
Tue, 21 December 2010 14:56 By: Radoslaw Karabowicz  |
Macros for Mvd+Stt Pattern Recognition |
12 |
16612 |
Fri, 17 December 2010 13:51 By: Gianluigi Boca  |
Template for association track from PR to MC track |
1 |
3718 |
Mon, 13 December 2010 13:50 By: Tobias Stockmanns  |
Updates in PndTrack - PndTrackCand |
7 |
10473 |
Thu, 09 December 2010 10:33 By: StefanoSpataro  |
Lhe Tracking: Kalman Task with STT, worse results |
4 |
7113 |
Mon, 06 December 2010 12:57 By: Lia Lavezzi  |
PndTrack array available |
1 |
3501 |
Wed, 24 November 2010 15:30 By: Gianluigi Boca  |
Lhe tracking results: reconstruction error for transverse momenta <= 1 GeV/c, all five particles |
2 |
4864 |
Wed, 24 November 2010 13:57 By: David Pohl  |
GENFIT for transverse momenta < 200 GeV/c strange?! |
18 |
26552 |
Mon, 22 November 2010 22:38 By: David Pohl  |
ROOT based track follower discussion. |
1 |
3375 |
Fri, 19 November 2010 23:39 By: Anonymous Poster  |
Benchmark Tables and plots for tracking performance |
2 |
4484 |
Tue, 02 November 2010 17:59 By: Gianluigi Boca  |
Bug in PndGenfitAdapters |
2 |
4129 |
Wed, 27 October 2010 17:42 By: StefanoSpataro  |
Charge in FairTrackPar and GeaneTrackRep |
4 |
6371 |
Wed, 27 October 2010 11:26 By: StefanoSpataro  |
Geometry of STT By: donghee on Tue, 28 September 2010 |
3 |
5581 |
Tue, 28 September 2010 16:33 By: donghee  |
[ERRATA] STT plots from last collaboration meeeting |
0 |
5142 |
Tue, 20 July 2010 09:25 By: StefanoSpataro  |
back-propagation with GEANE |
22 |
29773 |
Mon, 28 June 2010 15:13 By: Lia Lavezzi  |
[FIXED]A crash in reco |
7 |
11332 |
Wed, 28 April 2010 16:28 By: StefanoSpataro  |
One question about tracking efficiency |
8 |
13416 |
Thu, 22 April 2010 19:40 By: Yutie Liang  |
Reco hit production with two inputs. |
3 |
5772 |
Thu, 22 April 2010 10:21 By: Lia Lavezzi  |
GEANE new patch released. |
0 |
6064 |
Wed, 21 April 2010 12:32 By: Lia Lavezzi  |
Genfit Reco Task |
6 |
10346 |
Tue, 20 April 2010 17:11 By: StefanoSpataro  |
Status of MC based global pattern reco By: Anonymous Poster on Sat, 17 April 2010 |
0 |
5793 |
Sat, 17 April 2010 15:26 By: Anonymous Poster  |
new GENFIT release By: Anonymous Poster on Wed, 31 March 2010 |
5 |
7664 |
Thu, 01 April 2010 11:19 By: asanchez  |
STT helix hits available also from Track Finder |
1 |
3676 |
Mon, 22 March 2010 20:01 By: StefanoSpataro  |
GEANE documentation on WIKI |
0 |
6029 |
Tue, 16 March 2010 12:00 By: Lia Lavezzi  |
[FIXED] Geane for luminosity monitor: TGeant3 not initialized |
11 |
16025 |
Thu, 25 February 2010 12:37 By: Mathias Michel  |