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Different results for same information extracted in different ways [message #17464] |
Fri, 07 November 2014 13:42  |
Messages: 55 Registered: January 2009 Location: Mainz
continuous participant |
From: *unity-media.net
Hi guys,
I'm having a problem since yesterday with the way I extract de same information from a histogram. Doing it in different ways I get different results, but I don't understand why or what am I doing wrong. Maybe somebody can help me.
I'll try to explain my problem in the best way I can.
I have a root file, let's call it Input.root, with a structure with two n-tuples:
- eppx // ep: positive electron, px: component x of momentum
- empx // em: negative electron, px: component x of momentum
- eppy // ep: positive electron, py: component y of momentum
- empy // em: negative electron, py: component y of momentum
- eppz// ep: positive electron, pz: component z of momentum
- empz // em: negative electron, pz: component z of momentum
- and others, but let's keep only these for the example
- eppid // Particle Identification for positron hypothesis 0: Charged, 1:Very loose, 2: Loose, 3: Tight, 4: Very Thight
- empid // Particle Identification for electron hypothesis 0: Charged, 1:Very loose, 2: Loose, 3: Tight, 4: Very Thight
- feppx // ep: positive electron, px: component x of momentum
- fempx // em: negative electron, px: component x of momentum
- feppy // ep: positive electron, py: component y of momentum
- fempy // em: negative electron, py: component y of momentum
- feppz// ep: positive electron, pz: component z of momentum
- fempz // em: negative electron, pz: component z of momentum
- and others, but let's keep only these for the example
Ok, So I define two histograms
True = new TH1D ("True", "True", Nbins, Bin_min, Bin_max);
Reco = new TH1D ("Reco", "Reco", Nbins, Bin_min, Bin_max);
And after opening the root file I do:
TFile *t=new TFile("Input.root");
TTree *truthTuple = (TTree*)t->Get("truthTuple");
TTree *recoTuple = (TTree*)t->Get("recoTuple");
// Projection of Real Statistics Files/* IT HAS TO BE DONE WITH THE REAL STATISTICS FILE*/
truthTuple->Project("True", "variable", "eppid>3");
recoTuple->Project("Reco", "(sqrt((feppe+fempe)**2-(feppx+fempx)**2-(feppy+fempy)**2-(feppz+fempz)**2))**2", "eppid>3");
After this, if I do
I get 2323 entries
if I do:
int TotalEntries=0;
for (int i=0; i <Nbins;i++ )
TotalEntries=TotalEntries+Reco->GetBinContent(i+1);// histograms start on bin=1 not bin=0
cout << "Total Reco Entries: "<< TotalEntries<< endl;
I get "Total Reco Entries: 2297", when I think the result should be the same than Reco->GetEntries();
Does anybody have an idea of what can I be doing wrong?
On the other hand, if I fill the histogram differently, i.e. setting branch addresses and filling after applying a cut,
I also get a different number of entries in the histogram.
That would be something like that:
// Variables to be read and filled recoTuple
float feppx;
float feppy;
float feppz;
float feppe;
float fepp3;
float fepcosth;
int eppid, ntrk;
recoTuple->SetBranchAddress("feppx", &feppx);
recoTuple->SetBranchAddress("feppy", &feppy);
recoTuple->SetBranchAddress("feppz", &feppz);
recoTuple->SetBranchAddress("feppe", &feppe);
recoTuple->SetBranchAddress("fepp3", &fepp3);
recoTuple->SetBranchAddress("epcosth", &fepcosth);
recoTuple->SetBranchAddress("eppid", &eppid);
recoTuple->SetBranchAddress("ntrk", &ntrk);
float fempx;
float fempy;
float fempz;
float fempe;
float femp3;
float femcosth;
int empid;
recoTuple->SetBranchAddress("fempx", &fempx);
recoTuple->SetBranchAddress("fempy", &fempy);
recoTuple->SetBranchAddress("fempz", &fempz);
recoTuple->SetBranchAddress("fempe", &fempe);
recoTuple->SetBranchAddress("femp3", &femp3);
recoTuple->SetBranchAddress("emcosth", &femcosth);
recoTuple->SetBranchAddress("empid", &empid);
float fpi0px;
float fpi0py;
float fpi0pz;
float fpi0pe;
recoTuple->SetBranchAddress("fpi0px", &fpi0px);
recoTuple->SetBranchAddress("fpi0py", &fpi0py);
recoTuple->SetBranchAddress("fpi0pz", &fpi0pz);
recoTuple->SetBranchAddress("fpi0pe", &fpi0pe);
TH1D * RecoFill;
RecoFill = new TH1D("RecoFill", "RecoFill", Nbins, Bin_max, Bin_max);
long NEntriesReco=(long)recoTuple->GetEntries();
int kkk=0;
for (int k=0; k<NEntriesReco; k++)
if( eppid>3)
if (kkk % 10000 == 0 && kkk != 0)
cout<<"*** FILLING *** "<< kkk << " : " <<endl;
cout<< "RecoFill: "<< RecoFill->GetEntries()<<endl;
In this case I get that the number of Entries is 2239, again a number different from the two previous ones.
I am representing always the same variable, and I am applying always the same cuts in different ways.
Does somebody know what am i doing wrong?
I've tried doing it with two different macros and also at the same time inside a unique macro. Always I get the discrepancies. I have also tested the cuts, the variables, tried different ones, the number of bins, and bin limits in the histograms... I am now puzzled, and I really don't know how to continue...
Thank you very much in advance.
Re: Different results for same information extracted in different ways [message #17466 is a reply to message #17465] |
Fri, 07 November 2014 14:59   |
Messages: 55 Registered: January 2009 Location: Mainz
continuous participant |
From: *unity-media.net
Thanks a lot Klaus,
Looping over Nbins+2 in the histogram created using "->Project();" helps me getting the same number of events than using ->GetEntries();
However I still need to understand why I don't get the same number of entries looping over the tree or doing a Project.
I checked out the values that were being filled in the tree like that:
if (kk % 10000 == 0 && kk != 0)
cout<<"*** FILLING *** "<< kk << " : "<< cosThetaP << "\t"<< Pz << " / " <<(sqrt(pow(Px, 2)+pow(Py,2)+pow(Pz,2)))<< endl;
(cosThetaP, Pz, Px and Py are defined from the branch addressed variables, and cosThetaP is the variable I want at the end fill in the Histogram)
and I saw that costThetaP, as well as Pz and sqrt(...) were showing sometimes "-nan" value.
So I added a variable that counted how many times I was getting nan:
if (isnan(cosThetaP))
//cout << "cosThe is nan"<<endl;
However, the number of entries still don't match.
In addition I have also got the number of entries from the histogram filled looping over the Tree, summing up over Nbins, summing up over Nbins+2 and using GetEntries(), and the results are very strange.
For different files I get:
File Reco->GetEntries() Sum=Sum+Reco->GetBinContent(i) Sum=Sum+Reco->GetBinContent(i) Nr. -nan events
from bin=1 to bin=Nbins from bin=0 to bin=Nbins+1 value of fail
1 493075 564152 487270 21476
2 379395 510432 465690 14101
3 646731 373536 0 11467
4 505865 380024 0 22111
Before filling the histogram looping over the tree I've initialized them using
for (int b=0; b<Nbins+2; b++)
Eff->SetBinContent(b, 0);
Eff->SetBinError(b, 0);
Reco->SetBinContent(b, 0);
Reco->SetBinError(b, 0);
Can the over/underflow bins have negative values??? even after initializing them to 0 values???
Re: Different results for same information extracted in different ways [message #17489 is a reply to message #17464] |
Mon, 10 November 2014 15:30   |
Messages: 55 Registered: January 2009 Location: Mainz
continuous participant |
From: *kph.uni-mainz.de
Dear All,
I'm getting more and more confuse about the behavior of root. In order to clarify how a histogram is filled using "->Project()" or looping over a TTree and using "->Fill()" I created a small macro:
// c/c++
//#include <stdlib.h>
#include <iostream>
#include "TFile.h"
#include "TTree.h"
#include "TH1D.h"
#include "TH1F.h"
void FillHisto_test(){
char Filename[256];
char *directionName;
char *Pi0FW;
double W2=5.;
int FW=1;
int NBINS=100;
int BINMIN=-2;
int BINMAX=2;
else if (FW==1)
sprintf(Filename, "/home/moraespi/VariableCosThetaGammaStar/Rootfiles/SimuJan2014/electrons/epempi0-W2-%.0f-Delta0-%s-LargeQ2-Merged.root", W2, Pi0FW);
cout << "File: "<< Filename<< endl;
// TCanvas *myCanvas;
// myCanvas=new TCanvas("C", "C", 1);
TFile *t=new TFile(Filename);
TTree *epempi0Tuple = (TTree*)t->Get("epempi0Tuple");
// // Project method
TH1D *Reco;
Reco = new TH1D ("Reco", "Reco", NBINS, BINMIN, BINMAX);
epempi0Tuple->Project("Reco", "feppx");//, "eppid>3");
// Reco->Draw();
double Total_int=0;
double Integral=0;
double GetEntries=0;
for (int i=0; i<NBINS+2; i++ )
for (int j=1; j<NBINS+1; j++ )
cout << "Number of events in the Histogram using Project: "<<endl;
cout << " Total_int (0-9)\t Integral (1-8)\t\t GetEntries"<<endl;
cout << Total_int <<"\t\t\t"<<Integral<<"\t\t\t"<<GetEntries<<endl;
// // Branch Addresses method
TFile *t2=new TFile(Filename);
TTree *epempi0TupleReco = (TTree*)t2->Get("epempi0Tuple");
float feppx;
int eppid;
epempi0TupleReco->SetBranchAddress("feppx", &feppx);
epempi0TupleReco->SetBranchAddress("eppid", &eppid);
TH1F *Reco2;
Reco2 = new TH1F("Fill", "Fill", NBINS, BINMIN, BINMAX);
long NEntriesReco=(long)epempi0TupleReco->GetEntries();
double value=0;
for (int k=0; k<NEntriesReco; k++)
if (k % 100000 == 0 && k != 0)
cout<<"*** Reco Loop *** Getting Entry: "<< k << endl;
// if (eppid>3)
// {
// }
double Total_intFill=0;
double IntegralFill=0;
double GetEntriesFill=0;
for (int i=0; i<NBINS+2; i++ )
for (int j=1; j<NBINS+1; j++ )
cout << "Number of events in the Histogram looping over TTree: "<<endl;
cout << " Total_intF (0-9)\t IntegralF (1-8)\t\t GetEntriesF"<<endl;
cout << Total_intFill <<"\t\t\t"<<IntegralFill<<"\t\t\t"<<GetEntriesFill<<endl;
// //myCanvas->cd();
// Reco2->SetLineColor(kRed);
// Reco2->Draw();
// //myCanvas->SaveAs("Test_Canvas.eps");
As you can see, changing the value of "W2" and "FW" I can select which of the four root files to read:
I have many problems with this little macro:
1.- If I run
> root FillHisto_test.C+
it crashes for all four root files.
2.- If I run:
> root FillHisto_test.C
it runs only for the file epempi0-W2-5-Delta0-fw-LargeQ2-Merged.root.
3.- I don't get the same number of events in the Histograms using ->Project() or looping over the TTree and doing ->Fill().
(I principally want to understand why, but problems 1.- and 2.- are difficulting me the process).
I am using the following root version:
* *
* W E L C O M E to R O O T *
* *
* Version 5.34/05 14 February 2013 *
* *
* You are welcome to visit our Web site *
* http://root.cern.ch *
* *
ROOT 5.34/05 (tags/v5-34-05@48582, Nov 05 2013, 17:07:52 on linuxx8664gcc)
CINT/ROOT C/C++ Interpreter version 5.18.00, July 2, 2010
Type ? for help. Commands must be C++ statements.
Enclose multiple statements between { }.
and I attach to this post:
a.- The macro FillHisto_test.C.
b.- The four root files I want to read, downloadable under:
Username: PandaRoot
Password: v3UyxFX8
c.- A file Output.txt with the outputs of the macro run with the four files, compiled and not compiled.
If somebody has any ideas, or can help me in some way, I would be very, very thankful.
Thanks a lot in advance.
Re: Different results for same information extracted in different ways [message #17491 is a reply to message #17464] |
Mon, 10 November 2014 16:41   |
Messages: 55 Registered: January 2009 Location: Mainz
continuous participant |
From: *kph.uni-mainz.de
Dear All,
I'm getting more and more confuse about the behavior of root. In order to clarify how a histogram is filled using "->Project()" or looping over a TTree and using "->Fill()" I created a small macro:
// c/c++
//#include <stdlib.h>
#include <iostream>
#include "TFile.h"
#include "TTree.h"
#include "TH1D.h"
#include "TH1F.h"
void FillHisto_test(){
char Filename[256];
char *directionName;
char *Pi0FW;
double W2=5.;
int FW=1;
int NBINS=100;
int BINMIN=-2;
int BINMAX=2;
else if (FW==1)
sprintf(Filename, "/home/moraespi/VariableCosThetaGammaStar/Rootfiles/SimuJan2014/electrons/epempi0-W2-%.0f-Delta0-%s-LargeQ2-Merged.root", W2, Pi0FW);
cout << "File: "<< Filename<< endl;
// TCanvas *myCanvas;
// myCanvas=new TCanvas("C", "C", 1);
TFile *t=new TFile(Filename);
TTree *epempi0Tuple = (TTree*)t->Get("epempi0Tuple");
// // Project method
TH1D *Reco;
Reco = new TH1D ("Reco", "Reco", NBINS, BINMIN, BINMAX);
epempi0Tuple->Project("Reco", "feppx");//, "eppid>3");
// Reco->Draw();
double Total_int=0;
double Integral=0;
double GetEntries=0;
for (int i=0; i<NBINS+2; i++ )
for (int j=1; j<NBINS+1; j++ )
cout << "Number of events in the Histogram using Project: "<<endl;
cout << " Total_int (0-9)\t Integral (1-8)\t\t GetEntries"<<endl;
cout << Total_int <<"\t\t\t"<<Integral<<"\t\t\t"<<GetEntries<<endl;
// // Branch Addresses method
TFile *t2=new TFile(Filename);
TTree *epempi0TupleReco = (TTree*)t2->Get("epempi0Tuple");
float feppx;
int eppid;
epempi0TupleReco->SetBranchAddress("feppx", &feppx);
epempi0TupleReco->SetBranchAddress("eppid", &eppid);
TH1F *Reco2;
Reco2 = new TH1F("Fill", "Fill", NBINS, BINMIN, BINMAX);
long NEntriesReco=(long)epempi0TupleReco->GetEntries();
double value=0;
for (int k=0; k<NEntriesReco; k++)
if (k % 100000 == 0 && k != 0)
cout<<"*** Reco Loop *** Getting Entry: "<< k << endl;
// if (eppid>3)
// {
// }
double Total_intFill=0;
double IntegralFill=0;
double GetEntriesFill=0;
for (int i=0; i<NBINS+2; i++ )
for (int j=1; j<NBINS+1; j++ )
cout << "Number of events in the Histogram looping over TTree: "<<endl;
cout << " Total_intF (0-9)\t IntegralF (1-8)\t\t GetEntriesF"<<endl;
cout << Total_intFill <<"\t\t\t"<<IntegralFill<<"\t\t\t"<<GetEntriesFill<<endl;
// //myCanvas->cd();
// Reco2->SetLineColor(kRed);
// Reco2->Draw();
// //myCanvas->SaveAs("Test_Canvas.eps");
As you can see, changing the value of "W2" and "FW" I can select which of the four root files to read:
I have many problems with this little macro:
1.- If I run
> root FillHisto_test.C+
it crashes for all four root files.
2.- If I run:
> root FillHisto_test.C
it runs only for the file epempi0-W2-5-Delta0-fw-LargeQ2-Merged.root.
3.- I don't get the same number of events in the Histograms using ->Project() or looping over the TTree and doing ->Fill().
(I principally want to understand why, but problems 1.- and 2.- are difficulting me the process).
I am using the following root version:
* *
* W E L C O M E to R O O T *
* *
* Version 5.34/05 14 February 2013 *
* *
* You are welcome to visit our Web site *
* http://root.cern.ch *
* *
ROOT 5.34/05 (tags/v5-34-05@48582, Nov 05 2013, 17:07:52 on linuxx8664gcc)
CINT/ROOT C/C++ Interpreter version 5.18.00, July 2, 2010
Type ? for help. Commands must be C++ statements.
Enclose multiple statements between { }.
and I attach to this post:
a.- The macro FillHisto_test.C
b.- The four root files I want to read, can be found under:
Username: PandaRoot
Password: v3UyxFX8
c.- A file Output.txt with the outputs of the macro run with the four files, compiled and not compiled.
If somebody has any ideas, or can help me in some way, I would be very, very thankful.
Thanks a lot in advance.
Re: Different results for same information extracted in different ways [message #17492 is a reply to message #17491] |
Mon, 10 November 2014 17:13   |
Klaus Götzen
Messages: 293 Registered: June 2006 Location: GSI
first-grade participant |
From: *gsi.de
Hi Mamen,
you are setting the branch addresses with wrong type, feppx and eppid are arrays[ncnd]. If you check, you see
root [5] epempi0Tuple.Print("feppx*")
*Br 0 :feppx : feppx[ncnd]/F *
*Entries : 477980 : Total Size= 3999009 bytes File Size = 2757478 *
root [6] epempi0Tuple.Print("eppid*")
*Br 0 :eppid : eppid[ncnd]/I *
*Entries : 477980 : Total Size= 3999002 bytes File Size = 1021207 *
The number 477980 is exactly the number of events you see in your second approach.
You should do the loop like this:
float feppx[100];
int eppid[100];
int ncnd;
epempi0TupleReco->SetBranchAddress("feppx", &feppx);
epempi0TupleReco->SetBranchAddress("eppid", &eppid);
epempi0TupleReco->SetBranchAddress("ncnd", &ncnd);
TH1F *Reco2;
Reco2 = new TH1F("Fill", "Fill", NBINS, BINMIN, BINMAX);
long NEntriesReco=(long)epempi0TupleReco->GetEntries();
for (int k=0; k<NEntriesReco; k++)
if (k % 100000 == 0 && k != 0) cout<<"*** Reco Loop *** Getting Entry: "<< k << endl;
for (int kk=0;kk<ncnd;++kk)
With that I get the output:
File: epempi0-W2-10-Delta0-bw-LargeQ2-Merged.root
Number of events in the Histogram using Project:
Total_int (0-9) Integral (1-8) GetEntries
500104 500104 500104
*** Reco Loop *** Getting Entry: 100000
*** Reco Loop *** Getting Entry: 200000
*** Reco Loop *** Getting Entry: 300000
*** Reco Loop *** Getting Entry: 400000
Number of events in the Histogram looping over TTree:
Total_intF (0-9) IntegralF (1-8) GetEntriesF
500104 500104 500104
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