segmentation violation in pid macro [FIXED] [message #13207] |
Thu, 15 March 2012 11:49  |
Albrecht Gillitzer
Messages: 49 Registered: March 2004
continuous participant |
From: *
I'm using the (close to) present Rev.14978 simulating 4.0 GeV/c pbar d --> p phi pi- (however I think the specific reaction is not relevant).
When I run root -b -q run_pid_stt_evt.C (standard pid macro) I get a crash with segmentation violation in the initialization stage before the event loop starts. It seems that the sim, digi & reco macros have been executed before without problems.
This pattern seems to be a general one, independent of the random seed with which the simulation is started. I got three other crashes with the same feature.
I used the same macros in Rev. 14321 (Jan-12) without having this problem.
Can anyone imagine what has been changed in pid that can cause such crashes?
[Updated on: Tue, 29 May 2012 12:43] by Moderator Report message to a moderator
Re: segmentation violation in pid macro [message #13527 is a reply to message #13256] |
Fri, 25 May 2012 16:05   |
Messages: 203 Registered: March 2010 Location: Germany
first-grade participant |
From: *
I have just encountered what seems to be the exact same problem in run_pid_stt.C (from macro/pid) in revision 15614, but I have read that the problem was already fixed, so maybe I am doing something wrong or it is a different problem.
I am simulating X(as Psi')-> j/psi pi pi with j/psi -> e+ e-.
I call the macro with
Here is my error output from root (which looks very similar to what Albrecht posted, I believe):
ROOT 5.32/00 (tags/v5-32-00@42375, Feb 02 2012, 16:46:50 on linuxx8664gcc)
CINT/ROOT C/C++ Interpreter version 5.18.00, July 2, 2010
Type ? for help. Commands must be C++ statements.
Enclose multiple statements between { }.
root [0]
Processing run_pid_stt.C...
Info in (PndGeoHandling::Instance): Making a new instance using the framework.
[INFO ] The input consists out of the following trees and files:
[INFO ] - cbmsim
[INFO ] - points_sttcombi.root
[INFO ] - FriendTree_1
[INFO ] - digi_sttcombi.root
[INFO ] - FriendTree_2
[INFO ] - reco_sttcombi.root
[INFO ] Parameter and input file are available, Assure that basic info is there for the run!
[INFO ] The number of entries in chain is 100
initialisation for run id 1421926020
Info in <TGeoNavigator::BuildCache>: --- Maximum geometry depth set to 100
Info in <TGeoManager::CloseGeometry>: Geometry loaded from file...
Info in <TGeoManager::SetTopVolume>: Top volume is cave. Master volume is cave
Info in <TGeoManager::Voxelize>: Voxelizing...
Info in <TGeoManager::CloseGeometry>: 2015817 nodes/ 5748 volume UID's in FAIR geometry
Info in <TGeoManager::CloseGeometry>: ----------------modeler ready----------------
Container FairBaseParSet initialized from ROOT file.
-I container name PndPidCorrPar
-I container name PndEmcGeoPar
-I container name PndEmcErrorMatrixPar
-I container name PndGeoSttPar
initialisation for run id 1421926020
Container PndSensorNamePar initialized from ROOT file.
PndPidCorrPar initialized from Ascii file
Container PndEmcGeoPar initialized from ROOT file.
[ERROR ] init() PndEmcErrorMatrixPar not initialized
Container PndGeoSttPar initialized from ROOT file.
Error in <FairRuntimeDb::initContainers()>: Error occured during initialization
PndFieldCreator::SetParm() 0x263c3e50
initialisation for run id 1421926020
PndPidCorrPar initialized from Ascii file
[ERROR ] init() PndEmcErrorMatrixPar not initialized
Container PndMultiFieldPar initialized from ROOT file.
Error in <FairRuntimeDb::initContainers()>: Error occured during initialization
OBJ: PndTransPar PndTransPar Trans. Field parameter container
OBJ: PndDipole1Par PndDipole1Par Dipole Field parameter container
OBJ: PndDipole2Par PndDipole2Par Dipole Field parameter container
OBJ: PndSolenoid1Par PndSolenoid1Par Solenoid 1st region parameter container
OBJ: PndSolenoid2Par PndSolenoid2Par Solenoid 2nd region parameter container
OBJ: PndSolenoid3Par PndSolenoid3Par Solenoid 3rd region parameter container
OBJ: PndSolenoid4Par PndSolenoid4Par Solenoid 4th region parameter container
[INFO ] PndFieldMap: Reading field map from ROOT file /home/panda/pandaroot_sep12/trunk/input/TransMap.0890.root
[INFO ] PndFieldMap: Reading field map from ROOT file /home/panda/pandaroot_sep12/trunk/input/DipoleMap1.0890.root
[INFO ] PndFieldMap: Reading field map from ROOT file /home/panda/pandaroot_sep12/trunk/input/DipoleMap2.0890.root
[INFO ] PndFieldMap: Reading field map from ROOT file /home/panda/pandaroot_sep12/trunk/input/SolenoidMap1.root
[INFO ] PndFieldMap: Reading field map from ROOT file /home/panda/pandaroot_sep12/trunk/input/SolenoidMap2.root
[INFO ] PndFieldMap: Reading field map from ROOT file /home/panda/pandaroot_sep12/trunk/input/SolenoidMap3.root
[INFO ] PndFieldMap: Reading field map from ROOT file /home/panda/pandaroot_sep12/trunk/input/SolenoidMap4.root
------------------------FairGeane::Init ()------------------------------
Loading Geant3 libraries ...
Loading Geant3 libraries ... finished
MZSTOR. ZEBRA table base TAB(0) in /MZCC/ at adr 432686447 19CA456F HEX
MZSTOR. Initialize Store 0 in /GCBANK/
with Store/Table at absolute adrs 432709485 432686447
HEX 19CA9F6D 19CA456F
HEX 560A 0
relative adrs 22026 0
with 1 Str. in 2 Links in 5300 Low words in 4999970 words.
This store has a fence of 16 words.
MZLOGL. Set Log Level 0 for store 0
1***** GEANT Version 3.21/11 Released on 100298
0***** Correction Cradle Version 0.1100
MZDIV. Initialize Division Constant in Store 0
NW/NWMAX= 20004000000, MODE/KIND= 1 2
Division 20 initialized.
MZLINK. Initialize Link Area /GCLINK/ for Store 0 NL/NS= 20 20
MZLINK. Initialize Link Area /GCSLNK/ for Store 0 NL/NS= 100 100
-I- G3Config: Geant3 with TGeo has been created for Geane.
-I- Geane.C: NOPRNT flag set to 1
-I- Geane.C: IERR flags are not printed. If you want to switch them on, please set fErtrio1->noprnt = 0 in Geane.C
Energy straggling area parameter from user set to: 0.999
Calculating cross section tables, see gphysi.dat for more information
Cross section calculation concluded successfully
I- FairGeane::FairGeane: Geane is Initialized
-I- PndPidCorrelator::Init: Using STTHit
-I- PndPidCorrelator::Init: Using MVDHit
[INFO ] Branch: TofHit not found in Tree
[INFO ] Branch: TofHit not found in Tree
-W- PndPidCorrelator::Init: No TofHit array!
-I- PndPidCorrelator::Init: Using EmcCluster
-I- PndPidCorrelator::Init: Using DrcHit
-I- PndPidCorrelator::Init: Using DskParticle
-I- PndPidCorrelator::Init: Using MdtHit
-I- PndPidCorrelator::Init: Using MdtTrk
----- PndPidCorrPar -----
-- Context/Purpose: TestDefaultContext
TofRadius: Float_t 43.6
TofCut: Float_t 2500
Emc12Thr: Float_t 0.02
Emc12Radius: Float_t 63
Emc12Cut: Float_t 2500
MdtRadius: Float_t 155
MdtCut: Float_t 2500
DrcRadius: Float_t 49
DrcCut: Float_t 1
-I- PndPidCorrelator::Init: Using Geane for Track propagation
-I- PndPidCorrelator::Init: No PID set -> Using default PION hypothesis
Error matrix for EMC geometry: 1 does not exist. Default is used.
EMC error matrix is read from: /home/panda/pandaroot_sep12/trunk/input/emc_error_matrix_default.root
EMC photon calibration parameters are read succesfully
-I- PndPidCorrelator::Init: Success!
-I- PndPidIdealAssociatorTask::Init: Success!
InitStatus PndPidMvdAssociatorTask::Init()
-I- PndPidMvdAssociatorTask::Init: Success!
InitStatus PndPidMdtHCAssociatorTask::Init()
-I- PndPidMdtHCAssociatorTask::Init: Success!
InitStatus PndPidDrcAssociatorTask::Init()
-I- PndPidDrcAssociatorTask::Init: Success!
InitStatus PndPidDiscAssociatorTask::Init()
-I- PndPidDiscAssociatorTask::Init: Success!
-I- PndPidSttAssociatorTask: using default mass hypo bands (muon)
-I- PndPidSttAssociatorTask::Init: Intialization successfull
InitStatus PndPidEmcBayesAssociatorTask::Init()
-I- PndPidEmcBayesAssociatorTask::SetupEnvironment:File used=BayesEMC.root-I- PndPidEmcBayesAssociatorTask::Init: Success!!
[INFO ] The number of entries in chain is 100
===== PndPidCorrelator - Event: 1 - Number of tracks for pid 5 - Number of EMC Cluster for pid 17
[INFO ] The number of entries in chain is 100
===== PndPidCorrelator - Event: 2 - Number of tracks for pid 3 - Number of EMC Cluster for pid 13
-W- PndPidCorrelator::GetMvdInfo: Track perpendicular to MVD strip/pixel! Not added to MVD eloss
-W- PndPidCorrelator::GetMvdInfo: Track perpendicular to MVD strip/pixel! Not added to MVD eloss
-W- PndPidCorrelator::GetMvdInfo: Track perpendicular to MVD strip/pixel! Not added to MVD eloss
-W- PndPidCorrelator::GetMvdInfo: Track perpendicular to MVD strip/pixel! Not added to MVD eloss
-W- PndPidCorrelator::GetMvdInfo: Track perpendicular to MVD strip/pixel! Not added to MVD eloss
*** Break *** segmentation violation
There was a crash.
This is the entire stack trace of all threads:
#0 0x000000300409a115 in waitpid () from /lib64/
#1 0x000000300403c481 in do_system () from /lib64/
#2 0x00002b2d53f3f902 in TUnixSystem::StackTrace() ()
from /home/panda/fairsoft/jan12/tools/root/lib/
#3 0x00002b2d53f3c79a in TUnixSystem::DispatchSignals(ESignals) ()
from /home/panda/fairsoft/jan12/tools/root/lib/
#4 <signal handler called>
#5 0x00002b2d5fb42d35 in PndEmcCluster::Maxima (this=0x2a4c42a0,
at /home/panda/pandaroot_sep12/trunk/emc/EmcData/PndEmcCluster.cxx:212
#6 0x00002b2d5fb4c8f3 in PndEmcClusterEnergySums::E1 (this=0x7fffcac33bf0)
at /home/panda/pandaroot_sep12/trunk/emc/EmcData/PndEmcClusterEnergySums.cxx:89
#7 0x00002b2d651a24f6 in PndPidCorrelator::ConstructNeutralCandidate (
at /home/panda/pandaroot_sep12/trunk/pid/PidCorr/PndPidCorrelator.cxx:715
#8 0x00002b2d651a399f in PndPidCorrelator::Exec (this=0x1d94e130,
option=0x2b2d5d656460 "")
at /home/panda/pandaroot_sep12/trunk/pid/PidCorr/PndPidCorrelator.cxx:550
#9 0x00002b2d53ec43a9 in TTask::ExecuteTasks(char const*) ()
from /home/panda/fairsoft/jan12/tools/root/lib/
#10 0x00002b2d53ec3dfb in TTask::ExecuteTask(char const*) ()
from /home/panda/fairsoft/jan12/tools/root/lib/
#11 0x00002b2d5d579518 in FairRunAna::Run (this=0x1c7d3090, Ev_start=0,
Ev_end=100) at /home/panda/pandaroot_sep12/trunk/base/FairRunAna.cxx:544
#12 0x00002b2d5d5ec39e in G__FairDict_986_0_6 (result7=0x7fffcac3fdf0,
funcname=0x1c7ce1f0 "", libp=0x7fffcac353e0, hash=0)
at /home/panda/pandaroot_sep12/build/base/FairDict.cxx:14749
#13 0x00002b2d546f471d in Cint::G__ExceptionWrapper(int (*)(G__value*, char const*, G__param*, int), G__value*, char*, G__param*, int) ()
from /home/panda/fairsoft/jan12/tools/root/lib/
#14 0x00002b2d547a5a90 in G__execute_call ()
from /home/panda/fairsoft/jan12/tools/root/lib/
#15 0x00002b2d547a74ea in G__call_cppfunc ()
from /home/panda/fairsoft/jan12/tools/root/lib/
#16 0x00002b2d547804b0 in G__interpret_func ()
from /home/panda/fairsoft/jan12/tools/root/lib/
#17 0x00002b2d5476f8ee in G__getfunction ()
from /home/panda/fairsoft/jan12/tools/root/lib/
#18 0x00002b2d5485f546 in G__getstructmem(int, G__FastAllocString&, char*, int, char*, int*, G__var_array*, int) ()
from /home/panda/fairsoft/jan12/tools/root/lib/
#19 0x00002b2d54855346 in G__getvariable ()
from /home/panda/fairsoft/jan12/tools/root/lib/
#20 0x00002b2d5474269c in G__getitem ()
from /home/panda/fairsoft/jan12/tools/root/lib/
#21 0x00002b2d5474ce21 in G__getexpr ()
from /home/panda/fairsoft/jan12/tools/root/lib/
#22 0x00002b2d547d4adf in G__exec_statement ()
from /home/panda/fairsoft/jan12/tools/root/lib/
#23 0x00002b2d5472e7b5 in G__exec_tempfile_core ()
from /home/panda/fairsoft/jan12/tools/root/lib/
#24 0x00002b2d5472eaeb in G__exec_tempfile ()
from /home/panda/fairsoft/jan12/tools/root/lib/
#25 0x00002b2d547e7054 in G__process_cmd ()
from /home/panda/fairsoft/jan12/tools/root/lib/
#26 0x00002b2d53ef955d in TCint::ProcessLine(char const*, TInterpreter::EErrorCode*) () from /home/panda/fairsoft/jan12/tools/root/lib/
#27 0x00002b2d53ef9033 in TCint::ProcessLineSynch(char const*, TInterpreter::EErrorCode*) () from /home/panda/fairsoft/jan12/tools/root/lib/
#28 0x00002b2d53e5645e in TApplication::ExecuteFile(char const*, int*, bool) ()
from /home/panda/fairsoft/jan12/tools/root/lib/
#29 0x00002b2d53e539fd in TApplication::ProcessLine(char const*, bool, int*) ()
from /home/panda/fairsoft/jan12/tools/root/lib/
#30 0x00002b2d5504b59c in TRint::Run(bool) ()
from /home/panda/fairsoft/jan12/tools/root/lib/
#31 0x000000000040100d in main ()
The lines below might hint at the cause of the crash.
If they do not help you then please submit a bug report at Please post the ENTIRE stack trace
from above as an attachment in addition to anything else
that might help us fixing this issue.
#5 0x00002b2d5fb42d35 in PndEmcCluster::Maxima (this=0x2a4c42a0,
at /home/panda/pandaroot_sep12/trunk/emc/EmcData/PndEmcCluster.cxx:212
#6 0x00002b2d5fb4c8f3 in PndEmcClusterEnergySums::E1 (this=0x7fffcac33bf0)
at /home/panda/pandaroot_sep12/trunk/emc/EmcData/PndEmcClusterEnergySums.cxx:89
#7 0x00002b2d651a24f6 in PndPidCorrelator::ConstructNeutralCandidate (
at /home/panda/pandaroot_sep12/trunk/pid/PidCorr/PndPidCorrelator.cxx:715
#8 0x00002b2d651a399f in PndPidCorrelator::Exec (this=0x1d94e130,
option=0x2b2d5d656460 "")
at /home/panda/pandaroot_sep12/trunk/pid/PidCorr/PndPidCorrelator.cxx:550
#9 0x00002b2d53ec43a9 in TTask::ExecuteTasks(char const*) ()
from /home/panda/fairsoft/jan12/tools/root/lib/
#10 0x00002b2d53ec3dfb in TTask::ExecuteTask(char const*) ()
from /home/panda/fairsoft/jan12/tools/root/lib/
#11 0x00002b2d5d579518 in FairRunAna::Run (this=0x1c7d3090, Ev_start=0,
Ev_end=100) at /home/panda/pandaroot_sep12/trunk/base/FairRunAna.cxx:544
Re: segmentation violation in pid macro [message #13543 is a reply to message #13542] |
Tue, 29 May 2012 12:46  |
Messages: 203 Registered: March 2010 Location: Germany
first-grade participant |
From: *
Yes, I have just tried it and it works! Thank you very much!
(Sorry for the late reply, Monday was a holiday here and I do not have PandaRoot installed on my private computer which I will do as soon as I install Linux on it.)