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icon1.gif  CMake Problem Thread [message #4308] Wed, 23 May 2007 13:56 Go to next message
Ralf Kliemt is currently offline  Ralf Kliemt
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From: 141.30.85*
Hi Florian, Hi all,

In rev. 775 I noticed a problem with the cmake configuring file "". It seems that the PATH variable is completely reset and not expanded:
export PATH=/data_hilbert/Software/fairroot/cbmsoft/tools/root/bin

At this point paths like /usr/bin and my own /home/ralfk/bin are no more included. Thats why the "make" executable could not be found.
Please fix this soon.

Greetings from Dresden, Ralf.

For everyone: You may report your own CMake problems here, so Florian has to email-subscribe just this thread.

Re: CMake Problem Thread [message #4310 is a reply to message #4308] Wed, 23 May 2007 14:12 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Mohammad Al-Turany is currently offline  Mohammad Al-Turany
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From: *

This is already corrected now in rev. 776


Re: CMake Problem Thread [message #4313 is a reply to message #4308] Wed, 23 May 2007 17:09 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Ralf Kliemt is currently offline  Ralf Kliemt
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From: 141.30.85*
Hello again,

I'm at rev. 777 now and the cmake still creates a that overwrites the PATH variable (see above) without caring about the previous definitons.

Regards, Ralf.
Re: CMake Problem Thread [message #4315 is a reply to message #4313] Wed, 23 May 2007 17:53 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Florian Uhlig is currently offline  Florian Uhlig
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From: *
Hi Ralf

With rev. 778 everything should be okay.

I will suscribe also to this thread that i get the problems
from now on directely.


Re: CMake Problem Thread [message #4392 is a reply to message #4315] Thu, 31 May 2007 12:21 Go to previous messageGo to next message
StefanoSpataro is currently offline  StefanoSpataro
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From: *
the cmake was installed here in the Gießen cluster

cmake --version -> cmake version 2.4-patch 3

so I started to test it here. First I set the SIMPATH:

export SIMPATH=/d/c0/cbmsoft/ccacbmsoft

I crated a cbuild directory, I moved there, and I type:

spataro@cca04 /home/spataro/cbuild $ cmake ../pandaroot/
-- This is an 32 bit machine
-- You're not using the GSI installation of the external packages.
-- If any problems occur this can be due to the fact that the macros
-- were mostly tested at GSI. If you find any problems please contact
-- Found root of the simulation software at /d/c0/cbmsoft/ccacbmsoft
-- Found ROOT version "5.14/00" at "/d/c0/cbmsoft/ccacbmsoft/tools/root"
-- Found GEANT3: /d/c0/cbmsoft/ccacbmsoft/transport/geant3/lib/tgt_linux/
-- Found PLUTO: /d/c0/cbmsoft/ccacbmsoft/generators/lib
-- Found Generators: /d/c0/cbmsoft/ccacbmsoft/generators/lib
-- Found GEANT4: /d/c0/cbmsoft/ccacbmsoft/transport/geant4/lib/Linux-g++
-- Found GEANT4VMC: /d/c0/cbmsoft/ccacbmsoft/transport/geant4_vmc/lib/tgt_linux
-- Found CLHEP: /d/c0/cbmsoft/ccacbmsoft/cern/clhep/lib
-- Configuring done
-- Generating done
-- Build files have been written to: /home/spataro/cbuild

It seems everything fine. Then I launch the script:

spataro@cca04 /home/spataro/cbuild $ . ./
-bash: GEANT4_DIR-NOTFOUND/ No such file or directory

What is going wrong?

Re: CMake Problem Thread [message #4393 is a reply to message #4392] Thu, 31 May 2007 14:01 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Florian Uhlig is currently offline  Florian Uhlig
Messages: 424
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From: *
Hi Stefano

Can you please have a look for GEANT4_DIR in the file CMakeCache.txt located in the build directory.

If you find something like GEANT4_DIR-NOTFOUND please delete
this file and run once more cmake.

If the GEANT4_DIR is after this procedure still not set i have
to check the cmake macro.



Re: CMake Problem Thread [message #4395 is a reply to message #4393] Thu, 31 May 2007 14:12 Go to previous messageGo to next message
StefanoSpataro is currently offline  StefanoSpataro
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From: *
I did what you propose without results. In the there is still the ". GEANT4_DIR-NOTFOUND/" line.

export SIMPATH=/d/c0/cbmsoft/ccacbmsoft
export ROOTSYS=/d/c0/cbmsoft/ccacbmsoft/tools/root
export GEANT4_LIBRARY_DIR=/d/c0/cbmsoft/ccacbmsoft/transport/geant4/lib/Linux-g ++
export GEANT4_INCLUDE_DIR=/d/c0/cbmsoft/ccacbmsoft/transport/geant4/include:/d/ c0/cbmsoft/ccacbmsoft/transport/geant4/source/interfaces/common/include: /d/c0/cbmsoft/ccacbmsoft/t
ransport/geant4/physics_lists/hadronic/Packaging/include:/d/c0/cbmsoft/c cacbmsoft/transport/geant4/physics_lists/hadronic/QGSP/include
export GEANT4VMC_INCLUDE_DIR=/d/c0/cbmsoft/ccacbmsoft/transport/geant4_vmc/sour ce/global/include:/d/c0/cbmsoft/ccacbmsoft/transport/geant4_vmc/source/g eometry/include:/d/c0/cbms
oft/ccacbmsoft/transport/geant4_vmc/source/digits+hits/include:/d/c0/cbm soft/ccacbmsoft/transport/geant4_vmc/source/physics/include:/d/c0/cbmsof t/ccacbmsoft/transport/geant4_vmc
/source/event/include:/d/c0/cbmsoft/ccacbmsoft/transport/geant4_vmc/sour ce/run/include:/d/c0/cbmsoft/ccacbmsoft/transport/geant4_vmc/source/inte rfaces/include:/d/c0/cbmsoft/ccac
bmsoft/transport/geant4_vmc/source/visualization/include:/d/c0/cbmsoft/c cacbmsoft/transport/geant4_vmc/include:/d/c0/cbmsoft/ccacbmsoft/transpor t/vgm/packages/BaseVGM/include:/d
/c0/cbmsoft/ccacbmsoft/transport/vgm/packages/ClhepVGM/include:/d/c0/cbm soft/ccacbmsoft/transport/vgm/packages/Geant4GM/include:/d/c0/cbmsoft/cc acbmsoft/transport/vgm/packages/R
ootGM/include:/d/c0/cbmsoft/ccacbmsoft/transport/vgm/packages/VGM/includ e:/d/c0/cbmsoft/ccacbmsoft/transport/vgm/packages/XmlVGM/include
export GEANT4VMC_LIBRARY_DIR=/d/c0/cbmsoft/ccacbmsoft/transport/geant4_vmc/lib/ tgt_linux
export CLHEP_INCLUDE_DIR=/d/c0/cbmsoft/ccacbmsoft/cern/clhep/include
export CLHEP_LIBRARY_DIR=/d/c0/cbmsoft/ccacbmsoft/cern/clhep/lib
export PLUTO_LIBRARY_DIR=/d/c0/cbmsoft/ccacbmsoft/generators/lib
export PLUTO_INCLUDE_DIR=/d/c0/cbmsoft/ccacbmsoft/generators/pluto/src
export G3SYS=/d/c0/cbmsoft/ccacbmsoft/transport/geant3
export GEANT3_INCLUDE_DIR=/d/c0/cbmsoft/ccacbmsoft/transport/geant3/TGeant3
export GEANT3_LIBRARY_DIR=/d/c0/cbmsoft/ccacbmsoft/transport/geant3/lib/tgt_lin ux
export ROOT_LIBRARY_DIR=/d/c0/cbmsoft/ccacbmsoft/tools/root/lib
export ROOT_INCLUDE_DIR=/d/c0/cbmsoft/ccacbmsoft/tools/root/include
export VMCWORKDIR=/home/spataro/pandaroot
export CBMLIBDIR=/home/spataro/cbuild/lib
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/lib:/usr/X11R6/lib:/home/spataro/cbuild/lib:/d/c0/c bmsoft/ccacbmsoft/tools/root/lib:/d/c0/cbmsoft/ccacbmsoft/transport/gean t3/lib/tgt_linux:/d/c0/cbm
soft/ccacbmsoft/generators/lib:/d/c0/cbmsoft/ccacbmsoft/generators/lib:/ d/c0/cbmsoft/ccacbmsoft/transport/geant4/lib/Linux-g++:/d/c0/cbmsoft/cca cbmsoft/transport/geant4_vmc/lib/
tgt_linux:/d/c0/cbmsoft/ccacbmsoft/transport/vgm.2.08.04/lib/Linux-g++:/ d/c0/cbmsoft/ccacbmsoft/cern/clhep/lib
export USE_VGM=1
export PATH=/d/c0/cbmsoft/ccacbmsoft/tools/root/bin:/d/c0/cbmsoft/ccacbmsoft/to ols/root/bin:/d/c0/cbmsoft/ccacbmsoft/tools/root/bin:/d/c0/cbmsoft/ccacb msoft/tools/root/bin:/d/c0
/cbmsoft/ccacbmsoft/tools/root/bin:/d/c0/cbmsoft/ccacbmsoft/tools/root/b in:/d/c0/cernsoft/root_ver/root_v5.10.00/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bi n:/opt/bin:/usr/i686-pc-linux-gnu
/gcc-bin/4.1.1:/opt/blackdown-jdk- 03/jre/bin:/usr/kde/3.5/bin:/usr/qt/3/bin:/usr/kde/3.3/bin:/opt/firebird /bin:/usr/games/bin
Re: CMake Problem Thread [message #4398 is a reply to message #4395] Thu, 31 May 2007 15:34 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Florian Uhlig is currently offline  Florian Uhlig
Messages: 424
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From: *
Hi Stefano

I found the problem. cmake is looking in the GEANT4 directory
for a file which contains all the seetings used for
building GEANT4. If you use the tarball from GSI this file should
be in that directory. If you have installed GEANT4 on your own
than you should look in the following subdirectory for this file
.config/bin/Linux-g++. Please copy this file to the GEANT4
directory and the everything should work.


Re: CMake Problem Thread [message #4399 is a reply to message #4398] Thu, 31 May 2007 16:09 Go to previous messageGo to next message
StefanoSpataro is currently offline  StefanoSpataro
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From: *
I solved the problem as you suggested, I copied the file geant4.8.2/source/ in geant4.8.2 .

In each case I installed the external packages from the tar ball, so I have no idea on why the was not at the correct position.

Now it is compiling...

Re: CMake Problem Thread [message #4400 is a reply to message #4399] Thu, 31 May 2007 16:45 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Florian Uhlig is currently offline  Florian Uhlig
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From: *
Hi Stefano

Nice that this solved the problem.


Re: CMake Problem Thread [message #4475 is a reply to message #4400] Wed, 13 June 2007 16:42 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Ralf Kliemt is currently offline  Ralf Kliemt
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From: 141.30.85*
Hi Florian, hi Mohammed,

In the Rev. 880 there is some trouble with the cmake functionality:

CMake Error: Error in cmake code at
SET_TARGET_PROPERTIES called with illegal arguments, maybe missing a PROPERTIES specifier?
Current CMake stack: /home/ralfk/Pandaroot/pandaroot/base/CMakeLists.txt
CMake Error: Error in cmake code at
SET_TARGET_PROPERTIES called with illegal arguments, maybe missing a PROPERTIES specifier?
Current CMake stack: /home/ralfk/Pandaroot/pandaroot/geobase/CMakeLists.txt
CMake Error: Error in cmake code at
SET_TARGET_PROPERTIES called with illegal arguments, maybe missing a PROPERTIES specifier?
Current CMake stack: /home/ralfk/Pandaroot/pandaroot/parbase/CMakeLists.txt
CMake Error: Error in cmake code at
SET_TARGET_PROPERTIES called with illegal arguments, maybe missing a PROPERTIES specifier?
Current CMake stack: /home/ralfk/Pandaroot/pandaroot/generators/CMakeLists.txt
CMake Error: Error in cmake code at
SET_TARGET_PROPERTIES called with illegal arguments, maybe missing a PROPERTIES specifier?
Current CMake stack: /home/ralfk/Pandaroot/pandaroot/cbmg4/CMakeLists.txt

Kind regards, Ralf.
Re: CMake Problem Thread [message #4477 is a reply to message #4475] Wed, 13 June 2007 17:05 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Florian Uhlig is currently offline  Florian Uhlig
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From: *
Hi Ralf

Sorry about that. I changed some things in CbmRoot, which
have influence also on PandaRoot. Give me some minutes to fix
I will write when this is done.


Re: CMake Problem Thread [message #4478 is a reply to message #4477] Wed, 13 June 2007 17:13 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Florian Uhlig is currently offline  Florian Uhlig
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From: *
Hi Ralf

The problem is fixed. You can build PandaRoot again.
Hope the delay gives you some time for a coffee.


Re: CMake Problem Thread [message #4484 is a reply to message #4478] Thu, 14 June 2007 11:36 Go to previous messageGo to next message
StefanoSpataro is currently offline  StefanoSpataro
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From: *
I have still this problem here in Gießen.
What's wrong with me?

spataro@cca04 /home/spataro/cbuild $ cmake ../pandaroot/
-- Check for working C compiler: gcc
-- Check for working C compiler: gcc -- works
-- Check size of void*
-- Check size of void* - done
-- Check for working CXX compiler: c++
-- Check for working CXX compiler: c++ -- works
-- This is an 32 bit machine
-- You're not using the GSI installation of the external packages.
-- If any problems occur this can be due to the fact that the macros
-- were mostly tested at GSI. If you find any problems please contact
-- Found root of the simulation software at /d/c0/cbmsoft/ccacbmsoft
-- Found ROOT version "5.14/00" at "/d/c0/cbmsoft/ccacbmsoft/tools/root"
-- Found GEANT3: /d/c0/cbmsoft/ccacbmsoft/transport/geant3/lib/tgt_linux/
-- Found PLUTO: /d/c0/cbmsoft/ccacbmsoft/generators/lib
-- Found Generators: /d/c0/cbmsoft/ccacbmsoft/generators/lib
-- Found GEANT4: /d/c0/cbmsoft/ccacbmsoft/transport/geant4/lib/Linux-g++
-- Found GEANT4VMC: /d/c0/cbmsoft/ccacbmsoft/transport/geant4_vmc/lib/tgt_linux
-- Found CLHEP: /d/c0/cbmsoft/ccacbmsoft/cern/clhep/lib
CMake Error: Error in cmake code at
SET_TARGET_PROPERTIES called with illegal arguments, maybe missing a PROPERTIES specifier?
Current CMake stack: /home/spataro/pandaroot/base/CMakeLists.txt
CMake Error: Error in cmake code at
SET_TARGET_PROPERTIES called with illegal arguments, maybe missing a PROPERTIES specifier?
Current CMake stack: /home/spataro/pandaroot/geobase/CMakeLists.txt
CMake Error: Error in cmake code at
SET_TARGET_PROPERTIES called with illegal arguments, maybe missing a PROPERTIES specifier?
Current CMake stack: /home/spataro/pandaroot/parbase/CMakeLists.txt
CMake Error: Error in cmake code at
SET_TARGET_PROPERTIES called with illegal arguments, maybe missing a PROPERTIES specifier?
Current CMake stack: /home/spataro/pandaroot/generators/CMakeLists.txt
CMake Error: Error in cmake code at
SET_TARGET_PROPERTIES called with illegal arguments, maybe missing a PROPERTIES specifier?
Current CMake stack: /home/spataro/pandaroot/cbmg4/CMakeLists.txt
-- Configuring done
spataro@cca04 /home/spataro/cbuild $ dir
total 40K
Re: CMake Problem Thread [message #4485 is a reply to message #4484] Thu, 14 June 2007 12:00 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Florian Uhlig is currently offline  Florian Uhlig
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From: *
Hi Stefano

This is the same problem reported by Ralf yesterday. There must have been a problem with the commit. I checked and the new CMakeLists.txt was not in SVN. I uploaded the file now.


Re: CMake Problem Thread [message #4486 is a reply to message #4485] Thu, 14 June 2007 12:04 Go to previous messageGo to next message
StefanoSpataro is currently offline  StefanoSpataro
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From: *
Much better now,

Re: CMake Problem Thread [message #4487 is a reply to message #4486] Thu, 14 June 2007 12:07 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Florian Uhlig is currently offline  Florian Uhlig
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From: *
Now i can have a light-hearted lunch.


Re: CMake Problem Thread [message #4673 is a reply to message #4308] Mon, 16 July 2007 12:48 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Florian Nebel
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Hi Guys,

I did the SVN Update to revision 1112 today morning and tried my luck with cmake - for the first time. I followed the steps suggested by Ralf Kliemt in his "Using Cmake" Thread.

After running and creating the cbuild directory I got the following error during the cmake process:
dallas $ cd cbuild/
dallas $ cmake ../pandaroot/
-- Check for working C compiler: /usr/bin/gcc
-- Check for working C compiler: /usr/bin/gcc -- works
-- Check size of void*
-- Check size of void* - done
-- Check for working CXX compiler: /usr/bin/c++
-- Check for working CXX compiler: /usr/bin/c++ -- works
CMake Error: Error in cmake code at
INCLUDE Could not find include file: CbmMacros
Current CMake stack: /home/knucl/FAIRroot/PANDAroot/pandaroot/CMakeLists.txt;/usr/share/cmake /Modules/CMakeCInformation.cmake;/usr/share/cmake/Modules/CMakeCXXInform ation.cmake;/home/knucl/FAIRroot/PANDAroot/pandaroot/CbmMacros
CMake Error: Error in cmake code at
INCLUDE Could not find include file: WriteConfigFile
Current CMake stack: /home/knucl/FAIRroot/PANDAroot/pandaroot/CMakeLists.txt;/usr/share/cmake /Modules/CMakeCInformation.cmake;/usr/share/cmake/Modules/CMakeCXXInform ation.cmake;/home/knucl/FAIRroot/PANDAroot/pandaroot/CbmMacros;/home/knu cl/FAIRroot/PANDAroot/pandaroot/WriteConfigFile
CMake Error: Error in cmake code at
Unknown CMake command "CHECK_OUT_OF_SOURCE_BUILD".
-- Configuring done
dallas $

C-Make version is: 2.4.5

I hope anybody can help me with this problem.
Re: CMake Problem Thread [message #4674 is a reply to message #4673] Mon, 16 July 2007 13:10 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Florian Uhlig is currently offline  Florian Uhlig
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From: *

Please check if you have a directory cmake/modules below the main
pandaroot directory. Here you should find the necessary files.

In your case it looks like that this directory is not in your search path. I don't know why.

if you look in the main CMakeLists.txt there should be the following lines

# where to look first for cmake modules, before
# is checked
set(CMAKE_MODULE_PATH "${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/cmake/modules")

# Load some basic macros which are needed later on

I hope this helps.


Re: CMake Problem Thread [message #4675 is a reply to message #4674] Mon, 16 July 2007 13:18 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Florian Nebel
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Hi Florian,

I have found the required entries in CMakeList.txt but not the mentioned directory cmake/modules.

Any hints how I can resolve this problem?

Re: CMake Problem Thread [message #4676 is a reply to message #4675] Mon, 16 July 2007 13:29 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Florian Uhlig is currently offline  Florian Uhlig
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I think something went wrong with your checkout from SVN.
Did you create a new directory or did you update a existing

Please go to the main source directory. and try

svn update

The last line of the update should be something like

Updated to revision 1114

where 1114 is the revision number and may differ. If the last line differs and you update a existing local working directory then there is probably a conflict which SVN could not resolve.
In this case svn stops and tells you that there is a conflicting
file and you have to first solve this conflict.


Re: CMake Problem Thread [message #4678 is a reply to message #4676] Mon, 16 July 2007 13:57 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Florian Nebel
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fortunately I still have the svn output in my shell buffer:
dallas $ pwd
dallas $ svn co
U pandaroot/stt/CbmStt.cxx
U pandaroot/stt/CbmSttHitProducerIdeal.cxx

Fetching external item into 'pandaroot/base'
Checked out external at revision 1114.

Fetching external item into 'pandaroot/cbmg4'
Checked out external at revision 1114.

Fetching external item into 'pandaroot/config'
svn: 'pandaroot/config' is not a working copy
dallas $

dallas $ ls
build cbuild pandaroot

The output looks like my everyday svn output and therefore I do not think that there is a svn conflict. Do you have any other hints on how I might restore the missing cmake/modules directory?
Re: CMake Problem Thread [message #4679 is a reply to message #4678] Mon, 16 July 2007 14:07 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Florian Uhlig is currently offline  Florian Uhlig
Messages: 424
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From: *

For me it looks like your svn did not update to the end.
Your last line shows some problem

Fetching external item into 'pandaroot/config'
svn: 'pandaroot/config' is not a working copy

After this error svn stops working.
In my case after the config directory there are more dierectories to come

Fetching external item into 'config'
Updated external to revision 1114.
Fetching external item into 'generators'
Updated external to revision 1114.
Fetching external item into 'geobase'
Updated external to revision 1114.
Fetching external item into 'm4'
Updated external to revision 1114.
Fetching external item into 'ora'
Updated external to revision 1114.
Fetching external item into 'parbase'
Updated external to revision 1114.
Fetching external item into 'cmake'
Updated external to revision 1114.
Updated to revision 1114.

As you can see you miss with your update several directories
including the cmake directory.
The important check is that the last line of your update is

Updated to revision 1114

or whatever revision number.
You should delete or at least rename the config directory. I think this is a leftover from auomake, so this should be a safe operation.
After this you should do an svn update again.



Re: CMake Problem Thread [message #4685 is a reply to message #4679] Wed, 18 July 2007 08:57 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Florian Nebel
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From: *
Deleting the config directory worked. Thanks a lot.
Re: CMake Problem Thread [message #4700 is a reply to message #4685] Wed, 18 July 2007 18:16 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Ralf Kliemt is currently offline  Ralf Kliemt
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From: 141.30.85*
Hi Florian,

In the global CmakeLists.txt is the trackbase package missing. Could you please add it? I don't have the right to commit this.

Greetings from Dresden, Ralf.
Re: CMake Problem Thread [message #4701 is a reply to message #4700] Thu, 19 July 2007 08:43 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Florian Uhlig is currently offline  Florian Uhlig
Messages: 424
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From: *
Hi Ralf

Done. I added the trackbase directory. I also added the geane
directory to the list.



Re: CMake Problem Thread [message #4702 is a reply to message #4308] Thu, 19 July 2007 09:46 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Andrea Fontana is currently offline  Andrea Fontana
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From: *
Hi Florian,
before putting geane in the automatic CMakeLists.txt, perhaps it is better to wait until CERN updates the TGeant3.h/cxx class. Otherwise the method GetClose() which is not present in the current geant3 distribution will cause a compilation error.

Andrea & Lia
Re: CMake Problem Thread [message #4705 is a reply to message #4702] Thu, 19 July 2007 11:12 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Florian Uhlig is currently offline  Florian Uhlig
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From: *
Hi Andrea

I will remove it again.


Re: CMake Problem Thread [message #4706 is a reply to message #4702] Thu, 19 July 2007 11:13 Go to previous messageGo to next message
StefanoSpataro is currently offline  StefanoSpataro
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From: *
Does it mean that the geane package works only with the latest virtualMC release, thus that we need new external package?

[Updated on: Thu, 19 July 2007 11:13]

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Re: CMake Problem Thread [message #4709 is a reply to message #4706] Thu, 19 July 2007 12:23 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Andrea Fontana is currently offline  Andrea Fontana
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From: *
Yes, I confirm this. We have to wait until CERN releases
our patch.

Re: CMake Problem Thread [message #4768 is a reply to message #4308] Tue, 31 July 2007 17:13 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Florian Nebel
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Hi guys,

I have a funny c-make linker error. Actually I have a lot of them, therefore I limit myself to the posting of one, representative example:

CMakeFiles/recotasks.dir/demo/ClusterAnalysisTask.o(.data+0x28):/home/kn ucl/FAIRroot/cbmsoft/tools/root/include/TObjArray.h:55: multiple definition of `n'
CMakeFiles/recotasks.dir/demo/PrintTask.o(.data+0x28):/home/knucl/FAIRro ot/cbmsoft/tools/root/include/TObjArray.h:55: first defined here

During the linking process I get about 50 errors of this type which seem rather contradictory to myself. How can the Linker at line 55 know, that "n" has multiple definitions if it is defined at line 55 for the first time? And why does the compiler not complain about this issue. All 50 errors have this contradictory statement in common. Just the header files, lines and variables differ.

I am actually compiling the same code as I used to compile previously with automake - without the funny linker errors. Therefore I figure maybe it is a c-make problem, and belongs here.

Maybe the problem is trivial, but it should be easy to solve in this case.

Thanks for your help!
Re: CMake Problem Thread [message #4770 is a reply to message #4768] Wed, 01 August 2007 09:13 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Florian Uhlig is currently offline  Florian Uhlig
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Hello Florian

I have no idea where this errors coming from. I have never seen
such errors, so i think this is no cmake problem.

Did you use seperate build directories for cmake and automake?
If not you should start with a new build directory for cmake.

Did you use the SVN head version?


Re: CMake Problem Thread [message #4771 is a reply to message #4770] Wed, 01 August 2007 09:28 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Florian Nebel
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while it is always nice to have something unique I'd rather pass in this case. Of course I have a separate cmake and automake build directory - as it was suggested in the using cmake thread.

However I have absolutely no clue what you mean if you talk about the SVN head version, therefore it is kinda hard for me to answer this question.

Nevertheless, if it is not a problem caused by cmake, what else could cause the linker process to fail?

From studying the error messages and the code lines they refer to it is my impression, that the linker is ignoring function prototype definitions. E. g. if function prototype is given in line 44 and the function definition follows in 357 the linker will complain, that the function is first defined in line 357, together with the complain, that it is a multiple definition in line 357 - also I noticed that the error-message does not point to the line with the actual function definition (e. g. void ....) but to the line including the first "{" I don't know if this is a meaningless observation, but it looks rather strange to me, and it is quite annoying to have a code which does compile but not link...
Re: CMake Problem Thread [message #4772 is a reply to message #4771] Wed, 01 August 2007 09:55 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Florian Uhlig is currently offline  Florian Uhlig
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If you don't know what is the SVN head version than let me ask
how you get your sourcecode of pandaroot?
But to explain. SVN is the repository and the head version is the
newest version of pandaroot in the repository.
I ask the question because i don't see any problems with the head
version. The head version is checked each night on several machines.

Can you create a new directory for testing and download the SVN
head version of pandaroot and try to compile this version.

You get the SVN head version by

svn co

Please follow the the instruction in INSTALL.GSI given for the
use of cmake.

Please let me know if this works or not.


Re: CMake Problem Thread [message #4773 is a reply to message #4772] Wed, 01 August 2007 10:01 Go to previous messageGo to next message
StefanoSpataro is currently offline  StefanoSpataro
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P.S. I compiled yesterday the release 1_0_0 and it works, so I do not think it is a problem of revisions.
Re: CMake Problem Thread [message #4774 is a reply to message #4772] Wed, 01 August 2007 10:06 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Florian Nebel
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Thanks a lot,

for this completely non-sarcastic reply. Of course I am a daily user of svn and know the program. I have also tried the default "I have no clue whats going on" solution - and updated pandaroot to the newest version.
However I have to admit that I was confused that you referred to the latest pandaroot version as svn head version. I personally would call the latest pandaroot version or pandaroot head version if you like, and the latest version of SVN, latest SVN version or SVN head version if you prefer. Now you see where the confusion came in...

In absence of better ideas I will try todays revision as well, but I agree with Stefano and do not think it is a problem with revisions.

Re: CMake Problem Thread [message #4775 is a reply to message #4774] Wed, 01 August 2007 10:10 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Florian Nebel
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Yep, no problem with revisions.
Revision 1185 fails with the same errors.
Re: CMake Problem Thread [message #4776 is a reply to message #4775] Wed, 01 August 2007 10:17 Go to previous messageGo to next message
StefanoSpataro is currently offline  StefanoSpataro
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I tried to find this ClusterAnalysisTask in the repository but without any success. Is it in your private code?

Can be that something in the CMakeLists.txt was messed up or missing?

Re: CMake Problem Thread [message #4777 is a reply to message #4776] Wed, 01 August 2007 10:25 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Florian Nebel
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yes in deed this is my private could which I am currently developing. I located it in the recotask/demo directory. The corresponding CMakeList.txt file reads as follows:

# Create a library called "" which includes the source files given in
# the array .
# The extension is already found. Any number of sources could be listed here.


include_directories( ${INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES})


link_directories( ${LINK_DIRECTORIES})


# fill list of header files from list of source files
# by exchanging the file extension

set(RECOTASKS_LINKDEF recotasksLinkDef.h)



add_library(recotasks SHARED ${RECOTASKS_SRCS})
target_link_libraries(recotasks ${ROOT_LIBRARIES})
set_target_properties(recotasks PROPERTIES VERSION 0.0.1 SOVERSION 0 )

################ install ###################

The lines:



have been added by myself. The first three tasks have been developed by myself, the first two compiled well with automake and cmake. The third task is extremely similar to the second task just using another root file as input, and includes some minor modifications on variable names which are in no relation with the produced errors.

The last line was necessary to resolve the dynamic link error:

dlopen error: /home/knucl/FAIRroot/PANDAroot/cbuild/lib/ undefined symbol: _ZTI16TpcPlanarRecoHit
Load Error: Failed to load Dynamic link library /home/knucl/FAIRroot/PANDAroot/cbuild/lib/

Maybe this is related to the problem at hand?
Re: CMake Problem Thread [message #4778 is a reply to message #4777] Wed, 01 August 2007 10:36 Go to previous messageGo to previous message
Florian Uhlig is currently offline  Florian Uhlig
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Hi Florian

Maybe this is the problem. Can you please try to compile your stuff without ../tpc/tpcreco/TpcPlanarRecoHit.cxx . I only want to know if it then compiles and links or not.



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