Hi there !
Is there a way to go from the RhoCandidates in a RhoCandList to the corresponding PndPidProbability, to have access to the probability information stored there ?
Typically I want to do something like:
RhoCandList eplus;
while (theAnalysis->GetEvent() && i++<nevts) {
for (j=0;j<eplus.GetLength();j++) {
Int_t pointer = eplus[j]->Pointer(); // hypothetical connection
PndPidProbability *prob = (PndPidProbability*)emc_array->At(pointer);
Float_t proba = prob->GetElectronPidProb();
Thanks in advance,
Ronald Kunne
[Updated on: Fri, 23 August 2013 17:13] by Moderator
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