[FIXED] Possible bug in scrut14 release? [message #17215] |
Tue, 26 August 2014 12:50 |
Dmitry Morozov
Messages: 34 Registered: May 2007 Location: Protvino, Russia
continuous participant |
From: *ihep.su
Dear colleagues,
I faced the following strange behaviour which i don't understand.
I'm trying to reconstruct and analyse hc -> J/psi pi0 pi0 process, giving e+e- 4gamma in the final state.
I'm following the standard analysis strategy through ana_complete.C macro.
So the relative part of the analysis macro:
// *** Mass selector for the J/psi cands
double m0_jpsi = TDatabasePDG::Instance()->GetParticle("J/psi")->Mass();
RhoMassParticleSelector *jpsiMassSel=new RhoMassParticleSelector("jpsi",m0_jpsi,0.3);
// *** Mass selector for the pi0 cands
double m0_pi0 = TDatabasePDG::Instance()->GetParticle("pi0")->Mass();
RhoMassParticleSelector *pi0MassSel = new RhoMassParticleSelector("pi0", m0_pi0, 0.05);
// *** the lorentz vector of the initial hc
TLorentzVector ini(0, 0, 5.5827, 6.598952222);
theAnalysis->FillList(eplus, "ElectronAllPlus");
theAnalysis->FillList(eminus, "ElectronAllMinus");
theAnalysis->FillList(gamma, "Neutral");
// *** combinatorics for J/psi -> e+ e-
jpsi.Combine(eplus, eminus);
// *** combinatorics for pi0 -> gamma gamma
pi0.Combine(gamma, gamma);
// *** jspi mass selection
// *** pi0 mass selection
// *** combinatorics for hc -> J/psi pi0 pi0
hc.Combine(jpsi, pi0, pi0);
// ***
// *** do 4C FIT (initial hc system)
// ***
for (j = 0; j < hc.GetLength(); ++j)
PndKinFitter fitter(hc[j]); // instantiate the kin fitter in hc
fitter.Add4MomConstraint(ini); // set 4 constraint
fitter.Fit(); // do fit
double chi2_4c = fitter.GetChi2(); // get chi2 of fit
double prob_4c = fitter.GetProb(); // access probability of fit
RhoCandidate *hc_4cf = hc[j]->GetFit(); //get fitted hc itself
I tried to analysed two sets of simulated data - from scrut14 and trunk (rev. 25710). Version of analysis macro does not matter - the results are the same.
I attached two png files - 3 histos in each: mass of fitted hc by 4c fit (by Add4MomConstraint), probability and chi^2 of the fit.
In trunk case - I have all hc masses in one bin (which is how it should be? Am i right? Correct me please if I am confused.), probabilities is mostly populated around 0 and chi^2 is more or less spread over the histogramm.
In scrut14 case - I have relatively wide hc mass distribution, probabilities are close to 1, and chi^2 are close to 0.
Maybe somebody can comment on the source of this difference?
Thank you in advance.
[Updated on: Wed, 10 September 2014 12:00] by Moderator Report message to a moderator