Hi Pablo,
so, in general, for each new model introduced into native Geant4, one has to validate if it is properly working within the Virtual Monte Carlo, right?
You have to validate if it is working properly at all for your perpose! This is independent of the VMC.
So you would suggest to validate inside the VMC only the models that we really need for our physics, right?
The main problem is to identify these models (physics list), now if we do this and found for example some strange behavior compared to data, it will be hard to convince the G4 developer team that this is not coming from the VMC! unless you reproduce this with native Geant4!
In this logic, rather than the Geant4 tutorials, what we need is to keep updated on the new physics models, and see how they match the real needs for Panda physics.
we need to identify some channels to validate both VMC-Geant4 and if needed also native Geant4 for our use. Because this job has not been done at CERN, ALICE do not really use Geant4 and they only validate G3 and G3-VMC and plane to do this with FLUKA but not Geant4!