Hi all,
in case you have sometimes the need to take a quick analysis look to a physics channel and aren't afraid of black-boxes
I just checked in some tools to trunk/tutorials/analysis which e.g. reduces our standard analysis ppbar -> J/psi ( ->e+ e-) pi+ pi- to a one-liner
root 'quickana.C("jpsi2pi_fast.root","J/psi -> e+ e-; pbarpSystem -> J/psi pi+ pi-",0,"fit4c:fitvtx:mwin(J/psi)=0.8")'
which actually takes jpsi2pi_fast.root containing PndPidCandidates as input and creates an output file containing the analysis ntuples. When using Fast Sim it is even possible to just-in-time run the generator and fsim before the analysis is performed, so you only need a decay file instead of the input root file.
root 'quickfsimana.C("jpsi2pi","decfiles/pp_jpsi2pi.dec",6.23,"J/psi -> e+ e-; pbarpSystem -> J/psi pi+ pi-",1000,"pbarpSystem","fit4c:fitvtx:mwin(J/psi)=0.8")'
If you are interested take a look to tutorials/analysis and the README file in there.
Best and have fun,