Dear all,
I just checked in another simfast_opt.C which allows to control some detector options per parameter string.
void simfast_opt(TString Prefix, TString Decfile, Float_t Mom, Int_t nEvents = 1000, TString Resonance="pbarpSystem0", int Pdgcode = 11,
TString DetOpt="MvdGem EmcBar Drc Dsc FwdSpec" )
DetOpt : Parameter string to control detector setup for scrutiny process with some predefined options. For other configurations better use simfast.C
Appearance of each parameter is a *positive* switch! Default value "MvdGem EmcBar Drc Dsc FwdSpec" represents complete detector.
Detectors always being enabled are: EmcFwd, EmcBw, STT, Barrel MUO
FwdSpec = EMC FS, Fwd MUO, Fwd tracking, RICH
- MvdGem : Enable MVD and GEM for central tracking in addition to STT
- EmcBarrel : Enable EMC barrel for calorimetry (neutral detection and PID component)
- Drc : Enable Barrel DIRC for PID
- Dsc : Enable Disc DIRC for PID
- FwdSpec : Enable complete Forward Spectrometer (= Fwd Spec. EMC, Fwd Tracking, RICH, Fwd MUO)
So it can be specified with the parameter string which of the controllable components are enabled. You might give it a try and report any inconsistency you observe.
Best and have a nice weekend,