The problem seems to be that the Lateral Moment = 0, for the EMC cluster, which is strange.
Andreas Pitka wrote on Fri, 03 February 2012 14:15 |
I can't change the code, but you can cure it by changing lines 205-209 of trunk/pid/PidClassifier/PndPidEmcBayesAssociatorTask.cxx :
// trafo that spreads out the parameters
pp = rangePconst0 + rangePconst1 * TMath::Log10(ppin);
Z20 = -TMath::Log10(1-z20in);
Z53 = -TMath::Log10(z53in);
LAT = -TMath::Log10(LATin);
// trafo that spreads out the parameters
if( ppin<0.000001) ppin=0.000001;
if(z20in>0.999999) z20in=0.999999;
if(z53in<0.000001) z53in=0.000001;
if(LATin<0.000001) LATin=0.000001;
pp = rangePconst0 + rangePconst1 * TMath::Log10(ppin);
Z20 = -TMath::Log10(1-z20in);
Z53 = -TMath::Log10(z53in);
LAT = -TMath::Log10(LATin);
This checks for zeroes in all four logarithms.
Friendly greetings,
Ronald Kunne