How do I get access to Zernicke moments different from Z20, Z53 and LatMom ?
The "obvious" way to do it, using code copied from PndEmcMakeCluster.cxx, seemed to be to add to my macro:
lhe->AddFriend("cbmsim", "digi_emc.root");
TClonesArray* digi_array=new TClonesArray("PndEmcDigi");
for (Int_t i=0; i<cluster_array->GetEntriesFast(); i++)
PndEmcCluster *cl=(PndEmcCluster*)cluster_array->At(i);
PndEmcXClMoments *xClMoments = new PndEmcXClMoments(*cl, digi_array);
Double_t Z42=xClMoments->AbsZernikeMoment(4, 2, 15);
This works perfectly well for accessing for instance
PndEmcClusterEnergySums esum(*cl, digi_array);
But the call to PndEmcXClMoments leads to the error:
gGeoManager does not exist
Thanks in advance for your help.
Ronald Kunne