Dear all,
I have added some vertex smearing to the tdr macros, in order to follow the "shape" of the pellet target:
FairPrimaryGenerator* primGen = new FairPrimaryGenerator();
primGen->SetTarget(0., 0.0275.);
primGen->SetBeam(0., 0., 0.0275, 0.0275);
The smearing on XY is done using a gaus function, but the smearing on Z is just an uniform distribution:
void FairPrimaryGenerator::MakeVertex()
if (fSmearVertexZ) vz = gRandom->Uniform(vz - fTargetDz/2.,
vz + fTargetDz/2.);
Is it possible to add a gaus smearing function, so that:
if (fSmearVertexZGaus) vz = gRandom->Gaus(vz, fTargetDz);
I cannot do it by myself because it is on the base folder. We need this change to start the production.
Many thanks in advance.