which is the proper way top run DIRC geometry?
I am using the old good standard:
PndDrc *Drc = new PndDrc("DIRC", kTRUE);
Drc->SetRunCherenkov(kFALSE); // for fast sim Cherenkov -> kFALSE
But it is not working, it produces the following messages:
======= DRC:: ConstructOpticalGeometry() ========
Warning in <TGeant3TGeo::DefineOpSurface>: Called for surface MirrSurface. Not applicable in Geant3 - setting is ignored.
Warning in <TGeant3TGeo::SetBorderSurface>: Called for border surface BarMirrSurface. Not applicable in Geant3 - setting is ignored.
Warning in <TGeant3TGeo::SetBorderSurface>: Called for border surface BarMirrSurface. Not applicable in Geant3 - setting is ignored.
Warning in <TGeant3TGeo::SetBorderSurface>: Called for border surface BarMirrSurface. Not applicable in Geant3 - setting is ignored.
Warning in <TGeant3TGeo::SetBorderSurface>: Called for border surface BarMirrSurface. Not applicable in Geant3 - setting is ignored.
Warning in <TGeant3TGeo::SetBorderSurface>: Called for border surface BarMirrSurface. Not applicable in Geant3 - setting is ignored.
Warning in <TGeant3TGeo::SetMaterialProperty>: Called for material surface MirrSurface. Not applicable in Geant3 - setting is ignored.
======= DRC::ConstructOpGeometry -> Finished! ======
-I- Initializing PndSdsDetector()
using special physics cuts ...
-I- Initializing PndGemDetector()
-I- PndDrc: Intialization started...
-I- PndDrc: Switching OFF Cherenkov Propagation
VolId: Volume DrcBarSensor not found
bar 1 id = 0
VolId: Volume DrcPDSensor not found
VolId: Volume DrcBarBox not found
VolId: Volume DrcEV not found
-I- PndDrc: Intialization successfull
but in the TGeoManager I can see there is no DIRC!!
Which is the correct way to call it? I do not need the cherenkov propagation, the fast option is what I need top use.
Many thanks in advance.