Dear all,
when calculating the masses of the volumes in PandaRoot, I observed i.a. several masses with negative values, which actually comes from a negative volume size (!). Example:
Calculating the physical volume (which for a TGeoXtru is [length]³):
root [43] gGeoManager->GetVolume("Supporto2")->Capacity()
(const Double_t)(-4.86071999981845693e+03)
These are the geo parameters of this object:
root [42] gGeoManager->GetVolume("Supporto2")->InspectShape()
*** Shape Supporto2: TGeoXtru ***
Nz = 2
List of (x,y) of polygon vertices:
x = 134.00000 y = 184.00000
x = 130.51000 y = 184.00000
x = 130.51000 y = 176.00000
x = 134.00000 y = 176.00000
x = 134.00000 y = 178.00000
x = 156.70000 y = 178.00000
x = 156.70000 y = 176.00000
x = 159.20000 y = 176.00000
x = 159.20000 y = 184.00000
x = 156.70000 y = 184.00000
x = 156.70000 y = 182.00000
x = 134.00000 y = 182.00000
plane 0: z= -0.00000 x0= 0.00000 y0= 0.00000 scale= 1.00000
plane 1: z= 2.00000 x0= 0.00000 y0= 0.00000 scale= 1.00000
Bounding box:
*** Shape Supporto2: TGeoBBox ***
dX = 14.34500
dY = 4.00000
dZ = 1.00000
origin: x= 144.85500 y= 180.00000 z= 1.00000
Shouldn't it be that values like volume and mass always come out with positive values?
Of course I can ask for the abs value in the code to avoid negative values.